

Our Club proudly partners with many organizations inside and outside of the Hilton Community to bring positive events and experiences to our players and our community at large.  Some of these activities include:

  • Volunteering at "Make a Difference Day" in partnership with Hilton High School.
  • Partnering with the Hilton CSD Athletic Department to sponsor 4 scholarships for players that are college bound.
  • Partnering with the McPhee Family to annually to honor U11 players that show high levels of sportsman-like conduct.
  • Volunteering and fundraising at the annual Hilton Apple Festival.
  • Director of Player Development, Nino Pilato, is a main organizer of the Alex and Ben Soccer Camp  sponsored by IACKids of which Pilato is a founding member.
  • Partnering with Hilton Parma Recreation and Hilton Parma Parks on fields, tournaments, and soccer camps.


Hilton central

Hilton central
Hilton central



HP rec

HP rec
HP rec

Apple fest Logo

Apple fest Logo
Apple fest Logo